Monday, August 20, 2007

young playas - holla!

i was visiting a friend at her new home on friday night; i was sitting on the porch while she was watering the lawn.

three young boys wheeled by on their bikes - they couldn't have been more than twelve years old - one of them shouted at us, "hey sexy, lemme holla at cha!" or something to that effect.

CET, yelling this down the street as they wheeled away: "WHY DON'T YOU GROW SOME PUBES FIRST?"

then i spent the rest of the time laughing my ass off, especially when one of them rode back to do a wheelie in front of us, just to impress us. i turned to my friend and asked "is that the twelve year old equivalent of a man driving a porsche?" too funny.

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

I keep hoping they will ride by again and do some tricks (and I'll spray them with my hose...) but no such luck!

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

maybe we scared them...perhaps they'll come back when their pubes have grown. :o)