Wednesday, May 14, 2008

mmm, brownie...

my mom's friend came by with a plate of brownies...i'm getting distracted by the thought of them downstairs - gooey, rich, chocolatey goodness, mmm - i'm just going to pop down for a bite (make that a mouthful, who am i kidding, several mouthfuls), even though it's past 11pm at night.

one moment please...

*deep, satisfying sigh*

that shit is good.

does anyone who read this blog watch "the hour"? they had a contest on the show to see what the "greatest thing ever" was; the final was between sex and velcro. sex won (OF COURSE) but i swear if sex was pitted against chocolate it would be a totally different outcome. i'm not even kidding.

ANYHOO, much has happened since my last proper post over two weeks ago. nothing juicy or gossipy to report, just the busy-ness of life and random musings in general. in the past two weeks i've:

- joined an ultimate frisbee team, a softball team and a beach volleyball team (yes, i'm crazy);
- had a friend visit from chicago and another one from london (though i ended up not being able to meet up with him);
- spent mother's day planting flowers in the front garden that canuckian and i bought for my mom (hopefully they'll live up to their name of "perennial" and we'll see them next year);
- filled out a survey about blogs that had me thinking about this blog and what it's all about;
- been continually amazed at the great blogs out there and the quality writing that abounds in envy? perhaps. more like writing envy; and
- bruised my arm from the palm of my hand up to my elbow

oh! and i have a wicked story about a cake (yes a cake, but not just ANY cake, a chocolate cake with caramel and coconut drizzled icing, OH YES) that i want to share with you all. can you tell i'm thinking of nothing but FOOD at the moment???

okay, okay, i will blog about all this but now i'm tired, plus i want more brownie. i swear, how do people find time to blog, let alone compose and edit their posts? sleep beckons, food beckons...

i think sleep wins this round.

CET :o)

p.s. blogger on macs sucks - there are less buttons for all the stuff you want to do. here are the links for "the hour", "greatest thing ever" and the blog survey i filled out:


Anonymous said...

Sex vs Chocolate does depend on the quality of either. Have had this debate numerous times before and agree, chocolate could often win.

Do we get the receipe for the cake?


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

Emily: True, true. Quality is of the utmost importance! Having chocolate anytime, anywhere in front of anyone is far less objectionable to some than doing the same with sex. The consistency of the quality of chocolate can not be said for sex, as it depends on the partner and the rapport you have with them, among other factors. I am sure this debate will continue through the ages...

Alas there is no recipe for the cake (see my story in the post above); Knightly Knight could not remember the ingredients, the amount and the order in which they were sad...

CET :o)