Tuesday, July 25, 2006


so i'm still kinda bummed at this recent revelation by my crush; emotions are fluctuating by the millisecond - what should i do? should i tell him how i feel anyway? should i just drop it and appreciate the friendship? how can i, he so damn cute! argh!

i've always been the type of person to tell the object of my affection my feelings for them, regardless of the consequences; i figure, nothing ventured nothing gained, right? a classmate told me somewhat recently that there's no point in having a crush on someone if you're not going to do anything about it, and i think this is very true. i mean, you might as well get it out in the open because once you know whether or not the feelings are mutual, you can move on, whether it be as a couple or as a single. better to know the truth than nothing at all.

the only thing is that i already pretty much know that he feels nothing for me. a) he's seeing someone, even if he said it was only 'sort of', b) sure we have lunch together sometimes, but it's mostly been me doing the asking, the emailing, the chatting, and c) if the guy was interested in me, i'm pretty sure he would've asked me out by now. i know there's something to be said for being shy, but i'm pretty sure he's not.

so, should i tell him? should i not? i actually do want to tell him just to get all these emotions out of me, a cathartic vomit if you will. that's how i've always functioned; i used to be fearless when it came to stuff like this, and i want to remain fearless now.

oh, and i know my blogging has been next to non-existent this summer but i figure, i don't live my life just to blog and i'm glad for it! i want to enjoy the sun, the city, my family and friends, and even now i still think blogging (specifically diary-like blogging) is innately narcissistic - i mean, just read what i just wrote, it's all about me and my stupid crush for goodness sake! blah! - so while i'm very grateful for my small group of loyal readers, you'll just have to wait until school starts again for a daily entry of my 'so-called' life! :o)


p.s. let me know what you think i should do about my crush; to tell or not to tell?


Anonymous said...

CET, guys just aren't that forward. Hell, girls aren't either. They;ll pretend that they're not as interested until you start to get uninterested in them. Then they come running back. It's all about whoever has the power. If you show that he's got it, then he'll use it. If you act nonchalant, then I have no doubt in my mind that he'll turn his attention back to you. He's probably dating this chick cuz he thinks you're not interested in him that wya cuz you haven't told him yet.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you in your comment about once you get it out in the open, you can move in, to get it off your chest in a sense. I've been in this situation a few times, where I had a thing for a few of people, but unfortunately for me they just got into a relationship. Nevertheless, things were stirring inside of me so I came out and let them know. I told them strictly to get it off my chest, out of my system, and move on, and to be honest it did. However in doing so I caused problems in the person's relationship, and to an extent shattered the friendship.

So i'd say yes tell him just to so that you can move on, and to keep your sanity. But keep in mind there's the possibility of things getting quite awkward between the two of you....I suppose it depends on the maturity of the individual.

Good luck

- Patrick