Thursday, November 02, 2006

baby steps...

business woman and i went to the coffee shop this morning for shop hottie wasn't working when we first ordered and sat down, but near the end of our meal he walked in, saw me and said hi! good sign: he recognizes me. conclusion: small victory won.

most of the feedback i've gotten from everyone has been "just ask him out!" i suppose i'm going to have to, as i'm sure you don't want to read about me going on and on about his gorgeous mocha eyes for the next few years - you'd probably want to slap me - heck, i'd want to slap myself!

so i will try to muster up the courage to a) strike up some semblance of a conversation with him which will b) lead to more conversations which will c) lead to me asking him out!

did you know:

- i live in an area of london that once had the highest population of women, almost all of which worked as prostitutes?
- i live in prime jack the ripper territory!

business woman and i did the "jack the ripper" walk last night, it was very good. our guide was excellent at describing the murders (most gruesome!), the characters involved and the history of the time. the houses in our area that once were "doss houses" to thousands of people who had no place to live now sell for millions of pounds. in these doss houses you'd pay about sixpence to sleep on a mattress on the floor, fourpence to share the mattress with someone, and twopence to sleep on a washing line! seriously, you literally hung your head and arms over a line strung across two posts and slept standing up! in the morning to kick you out the landlord would cut the washing line. and in the one square mile that was the city of london at that time, three million people lived! craziness.

CET :o)


J.L said...

I pay about 650 CAD to sleep on a futon matress on the floor.

I need a new bed...

Anonymous said...

that ripper walk sounds fascinating. in toronto, they had a "ghost" walk last saturday. pop and i wanted to go but it was $25 and started too early (we both worked until late).

Anonymous said...

Olde London sounds a lot like the New York of the future, as per "Soilent Green". I agree that Jack the Ripper walk would be pretty fascinating, at least a heck of a lot better than "From Hell".

We recently saw "Thank You for Smoking": I give it three thumbs up.