Monday, November 06, 2006

well that was awkward...

have spent the last three hours on the computer at school...holy, am i addicted or what? this is what i get for not having internet access at home.

had dinner on friday with a bunch of people i used to work with, including ex-T. except for ex-T, business woman and i, everyone was either:

a) engaged;
b) married; or
c) in a seriously committed relationship.

the evening was lovely although at times i felt like either bridget jones from "bridget jones' diary" or hugh grant from "four weddings and a funeral", when he was sat at a table filled with all his ex-girlfriends.

at one point in the evening the girl who's engaged was lamenting the fact that her fiance lives in the states and how the time difference is hard on them both; she asked ex-T and i "what was the time difference for you two? 5 hours? 8 hours? wasn't it hard?" ouch. ex-T promptly excused himself to the bathroom and i was left to fill the girl in. she knew we were broken up but didn't know the extent of the PAIN. pass the salt please!

in other weekend news, vij, her dad, business woman and i had high tea on saturday at the chancery court renaissance hotel - all was lovely except for the fact that they left out my order (and vij's) and then promptly RAN OUT OF FOOD. we had to wait for almost half an hour while they scrambled about (probably running to the grocery store next door to buy food); this is a PREMIERE hotel in london and they run out of food??? as if! no hotel, especially this one, should ever, EVER, EVER be caught out like that. disgraceful! five stars my ass!

sunday was another laidback afternoon listening to the musical stylings of local jazz musicians at the spice of life pub. ahhh, sweet, sweet music. the old man was there again and we had a good chat; he said to definitely keep in touch and he will show me all the different places in london to experience good jazz.

it was also guy fawkes day here in england - he planned to blow up the houses of parliament back in 1605 - and now people here celebrate this botched attempt at absolute anarchy by setting off fireworks! the people in our building had a little bbq/fireworks display of their own, and invited vij and i to sit and chat with them. such lovely, lovely people; so warm and friendly and immediately amicable. it makes me all the more grateful that we live where we live because it really feels like a community and a home!

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

spending 3 hours at the computer on the net is NOT because of not having it at home. it's cuz the internet is SO DAMN ADDICTIVE.

So you go to fancy hotels for high tea? Are there any hotels here in T dot that you could have something like that too?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

oh yeah, there's plenty of places for high tea in toronto...old mills, windsor arms hotel, king edward hotel, etc...check it out! the one at windsor arms is pretty nice.

CET :o)