Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a wee announcement...

i'm getting published! no, no, no, not a book deal or anything flash like that - the research i did in early 2008 is getting published in a well-respected scientific journal! and guess who's first author? moi! woohoo!!! needless to say i'm thrilled. it's my first publication, from someone who NEVER thought she'd be published, let alone in a scientific journal.

i spent the afternoon today watching obama's inauguration. i teared up a few times. and aretha's hat! smashing. you go girl.

i feel lucky to have been a witness to history today.

my landlord's three-year old son was watching a bit of it with me; i was trying to explain to him what was happening, in the hopes that he might remember this day too, even if he's only three. :o)

did i tell you i'm a member of my university's spring ball committee? i joined so i could make sure it doesn't suck. seriously. and thank goodness i did. anyhoo, the venue's been booked and it's elegant and fabulous; i am so excited. even better is the fact that i bought my ball gown yesterday - a floor-length, blood red ball gown - for only 38 quid!!! that's like, $75 canadian dollars! bargain! it was left over from the christmas sales and was discounted from 150 to 49 pounds. i got another 25% off at the register and voila, a slammin' dress for 38 quid. i'll post a pic of it on the day of the ball - no sneak peeks until then!

gotta go, gotta eat and do some semblence of work.



Anonymous said...


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

thanks sillyhead; i will send you the pdf once it's officially published! :o)

Glamourpuss said...

Hurrah, hurrah! Congratulations :-)


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

thanks puss. :o)