Sunday, February 22, 2009

i'm just not into this movie

on friday i went to see the movie "he's just not that into you". before seeing this movie i was aware that it was a chick flick (duh), but both guys and girls who had seen it said it was smart, funny and had something for guys as well as girls, so i was somewhat hopeful it wouldn't suck.

my hope was sorely misplaced.

the ENTIRE movie espouses the message that if he's interested he'll make it known; that those urban myths of girls marrying guys who were initially jackasses are the exception and not the rule, and yet in the last fifteen minutes two things happen in the movie that COMPLETELY negates this message:

a) the asshole falls in love with the girl, telling her she's "his" exception and not the rule; and
b) the guy who doesn't believe in marriage proposes to his girlfriend.


what is the point of doling out this "he's just not that into you" gospel when you're going to blasphemise it with the typical hollywood happy ending? this movie had the chance to be smart and funny and instead relegated itself to the typical hollywood brainless mush.

and OH MY GOD, are women really THAT pathetic? seriously, ginnifer goodwin's character made me want to throw popcorn at the screen. and jesus effin' christ, someone needs to tell hollywood that NOT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO GET MARRIED. I REPEAT, NOT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO GET MARRIED. why is it not enough to be in a happy, stable relationship? why does it have to be certified by the state? i just don't get it.

if you want mindless fluff and believe all movies should have happy endings then this movie is definitely for you. if you want a movie that challenges you (and the stereotypes found in society) and isn't afraid to have an ending that's less than happy then look somewhere else.




RandomPinkness said...

My parents have been in a happy state of non-marriage for over 25 years, they were both married before and for both of them it ended horribly, they took as a sign, guess it worked for them :-)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

RP: my point exactly! worst line to come out of that movie was when jennifer aniston's character said it was "going against nature" to not want to get married. VOMIT.