Monday, February 02, 2009

exam? what exam? there's a snowman to be built!

my exam got cancelled today because of all the snow! i had a lovely and much-needed day doing absolutely nothing but enjoying the snow: i built a snowman, had a snowball fight and went tobogganing. i haven't played all day like that since i was a kid. it was absolutely fabulous. :o)

my snowman, "the gardener". notice the lizard at his feet?

he has chestnut eyes, a walnut nose and a little stone mouth.

that's the "flower" he's holding in his hand.

hope your snow day was fun and relaxing!

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

You've gotta love how everything closes down in London for a little snow. I revert back to being 12 - its brilliant!

Glamourpuss said...

I'm a big fan of snow - until my car skids out of control towards a large hole in the road :-)


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

emily: well, there's hasn't been "this" much snow here in london for a while, so i'll give them that. but yeah, totally ridiculous that everything shuts down.

puss: i just read about your accident/almost accident! glad you're alright.

CET :o)