Tuesday, July 17, 2007

friends :o)

had the best time with mr. bing, bing's hubby, brown goddess, goddess' sister, and canuckian last night. time spent with these precious folk always cheers me up and makes me joyous; i laugh until my sides hurt and eat until they hurt even more. it's all about the good times.

we gorged ourselves on seafood at the fine local establishment, followed by a quick drive to the local mall where we continued our binge with ice cream. the shenanigans kicked into high gear when we went to a lady's dress shop (i.e. where UGLY prom dresses live) and proceeded to try on a sampling of their confections, with mr. bing and i trying on the same neon green fruity number. we pretended BG's sister was getting married and we were her bridesmaids - if you ever need a butt-ugly bridesmaid's dress, this is the place! we had fun laughing at each other and taking stupid pictures behind the sales lady's back; we incurred her wrath but who cares? this is what you get for selling such horrible fashion retail!

anyhoo, at the end of the night we parted ways and i came home feeling happy, which i wasn't earlier in the day (and for the last little while) because boys, i.e. the londoner, was getting me down. honestly, boys may come and go but friends are for LIFE.

CET :o)

p.s. reason why londoner made me upset? i haven't heard from him in three weeks. i think that's him done and dusted.


Anonymous said...

what? you havn't heard from him??? what the EFF is up with men?!?!?!?! that is totally unfair!

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

i love you tan - even if you don't leave your name i know it's you!

yeah, what the EFF is UP with men???

CET :o)