Thursday, July 05, 2007

pump up the volume

i'm blogging from work (hee hee hee, i know i shouldn't but what can i say? it's slow today).

i worked from 9am to 11pm yesterday, first at my daytime temp job (it's going well so far) then at my local pharmacy for the evening shift (did i mention i'm helping with some vacation cover? anyhoo...). i was absolutely shattered by the time i crawled into bed, a little bit before midnight, and yet i laid there for a long while listening to songs on my mp3 player.

remember when you used to do that? just lay there and listen to music, i mean REALLY listen to it? not have it as background noise while doing a chore or riding the subway or something, but listening for listening's sake. i remember in high school i would lay on my bed and blast the same album over and over (mostly cure albums), carefully committing the lyrics to memory and letting the wall of sound wash over me. my mind would often wander, mostly daydreams of my latest crush, perhaps a dream of me rockin' out to the tune as the band's drummer (i would LOVE to be a chick drummer for a rock band); i miss the fact that i haven't done that for a long time now. life seems to get more hectic with each passing year; i'm making a point of setting aside some time to just lay there and LISTEN.

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

"but listening for listening's sake."

uh oh, am i a freak of nature for doing that on a regular basis? :P it's sometimes actually hard for me to do other stuff while listening to music cuz my mind sometimes prefers to wander to the music and i get sidetracked by it.. that's why i could never study with music on when i was in school.

today, i worked for 11.5 hours total. it sucked. back to work tomorrow in 6.5 hours!

Anonymous said...

Try working at a radio station! Ideally you are driven to listen to things deeply, however, the deluge of music is overwhelming. Luckily you really get a chance to sort our your specific preferences.

Those memories of lying in bed listening to

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah => When are we gonna start our garage band?!? White Stripes / Kills / Black Keys type stuff? Or were you think something more like Cub or Jale? Perhaps I could recruit a saxophonist from town...?