Tuesday, October 07, 2008

fuckin' eh!

i am finally done my literature review. THANK FUCKING GOD. seriously.


i have been virtually house-bound for the last three weeks. primarily by myself. little to no human interaction except for a daily hello to my two temporary flatmates when they leave for work and come home from work. maybe a few more words with them while in the kitchen, but otherwise nothing. i didn't realize how deprived i was of human contact until yesterday, my first day of school. i saw so many people and talked so much that i started to get fuzzy-brained and incoherent as the day wore on, like i had used up all my speech quota. by the end of the night i was mentally toast. even my throat was sore and dry from all the talking! few words to a million words spilling out of my mouth in one day. whew.

in other news, the "birthday" has already passed but it's been 3 years + 2 days since i started this blog! three years older and 358 posts richer (i hope); i can't believe it's been going for this long. to this day i still have pangs of "is keeping a blog too narcissistic of me?" but i've come to realize that whatever the blog, whatever the topic, whatever the post, it's the viewpoint of the blogger and hence in varying measures but all the same, it's about them.

i think the biggest bonus to come out of writing this blog is (virtually) meeting the people i have met and making the connections i have made, however weak or strong. whether it's been a passing comment, readers that lurk or friendships forged, this blog has allowed me to reach out to people i otherwise would never have met, and for them to reach back. for this reason alone i am glad to have started this thing.

anyhoo, i think i'm going to reward myself for finishing my paper by going to bed early. party animal i know.

love ya,
CET :o)


Glamourpuss said...

I agree - the social aspect of blogging is the most wonderful, largely because it's all so unexpected.

Well done on getting through the paper.


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

thank puss! now onto other papers and other assignments...:oS