Monday, October 20, 2008

movin' on up

a few things i want to jot down before getting carried away with work (HA, who are we kidding - me getting carried away with work - as if that would ever happen!):

friday: i met a reader of my blog! in the flesh! totally out of the blue! i won't go into the details as i'm sure she'd like to keep her anonymity, but she figured out who i was because really, there aren't a lot of chinese-canadian girls in london (at least i don't think there are). it was slightly surreal, standing in front of a person who has been following your blog for the last three years...they knowing lots about you but you knowing very little about them...i must say, whoever would've thought this social dynamic would ever exist? the wonders of the internet, eh? anyhoo, i really enjoyed meeting her and hope to meet her again one day. hello reader!

movin' in, movin' up: i finally, FINALLY, moved into my flat yesterday. it's actually a whole house that i share with the landlord, his son and his two male cats. a house full of men, hmmm...first time i've lived with cats too so this will be interesting. the landlord also has a lovely little garden filled with flowers and fresh herbs - rosemary, basil, mint - i cut some rosemary for my roast potatoes tonight and i must say it's pretty cool to be able to do that. i'm only a bus ride from school and the neighbourhood's full of shops and restaurants that i want to check out; a couple of my friends also live in the area so it'll be nice to be able to pop around for a cuppa. i hope/i think i'll enjoy living here.

all hallows' eve: i'm working the bar that evening...i don't know if my student union's organizing a halloween party but regardless, i'll be dressing up. i must say that because halloween's a bigger deal in north america there is a greater variety of costumes back home than over here. i went into a party shop the other day and the only costumes they had for women were slutty french maid, slutty devil, slutty angel, slutty pirate, slutty get the idea. it's not too original but i'm thinking of being a black cat (like one of the cats i currently live with, complete with red collar). all you need is cat ears, a tail, some black eyeliner to draw your whiskers on and bob's your uncle. any other costume ideas perhaps you readers would like to share?

okay, got a lot of shit to do; must press on.

word up!
CET :o)


Anonymous said...

I like how you say very English things like "pop" here and there, and then in the next sentence, you say very Canadian things like "eh".

About what to wear for Halloween, I was just going to ask you the same thing! You know which party I'm going to and I have NO IDEA what to wear. Help! Maybe I could dress up as you since you are indeed my alter ego ;o) For real!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bing says:

"how about a slutty-flutest?"

Baby Daddy:

"how about a slutty canadian-chinese bitch"

Mr. Bing says:

"oh wait, that's what canuckian will be wearing..."

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

mr bing: that's flautist to you!

baby daddy: hey now, i'm not a bitch all the time, only when provoked. :op

canuckian: how the heck would you dress as me? wear my clothes? you're already using my purse anyway!

RandomPinkness said...

Well I'm either going as a Victorian prostitute or a pirate wench, the only difference in the outfits is an eye patch and a sword, so it's slutty either way really. However, wearing my corset is always fun, men stop and stare the dumbly poke their male friends and point making a sort of 'mrh' noise. :-D

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

if i had a corset i would be a bar wench, as i'm working at the bar on halloween anyway! i really need to get me one. x

Anonymous said...

for the alter ego thing, i went to value village and saw so much animal print that i decided to be a cougar (the womanly kind). too bad you're not in town cuz we could go as the cougar duo. haha.

also, does this mean you are gonna find a pharmacy job in canada then? saw your last post..