Thursday, October 02, 2008

tookus numbus

1. my butt is numb from sitting in front of the computer all day. it's getting flatter and more numb by the second. i don't think any amount of squats or leg lifts will bring my bum to its former glory (hehehe).

2. what the heck is UP with men wearing skinny jeans??? who actually likes them? i was watching some vacuous fashion show on tv where two fashionistas had to make over a cute guy with absolutely no dress sense. what was the first thing they put him in? skinny jeans. hideous. absolutely hideous. someone should do a study on sperm count and skinny jeans, i'm sure they'd find a correlation.

3. current lit review word count: 4223. c'mon, almost there!

back to the grind,


Glamourpuss said...

Actually, I think skinny jeans look pretty drap on everyone but a few models. But the men always seem to wear them with a baggy arse, which just looks ridiculous.


Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

ah yes, the skinny jean/baggy ass combo. as if the skinny jeans themselves weren't bad enough!

Anonymous said...

i actually like skinny jeans on some men.. but they have to look very specific, be good looking and model like. :P and the rest of the package has to be put together well too, style wise.

however, i think most men look best in normal fitting jeans that fit them properly. i hate baggy..

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bing says:

ya um baggy jeans on men AND women as far as I am concerned..are so wrong. definate unacceptable mixing

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

wow mr. bing, i didn't know this topic hit such a nerve! who knew you were so passionately against baggy jeans??? :o)