Sunday, February 26, 2006

i wish this wasn't a rant...

...but it is. oh yes baby, it is.

so i had an absolute blast at the ball last night. drank lots of champagne and danced the night away, first to a live band in which all the members were very cute, and then to a dj (the school's social rep and the crappiest dj i've ever heard, but anyway). my friend lizzie was there, and long story short, she had to stay over at my place when the night was over. i texted flatmate j to ask if he could take the spare mattress and my bedsheets for that mattress out from his bedroom (note: he doesn't sleep in his own room, he sleeps with flatmate s), so that it'll be there for lizzie to use when we got home. he happily obliges and sure enough, when we got home AT 3AM IN THE MORNING, the mattress and sheets were there, ready to use, except...

...i had forgotten that i only have one blanket! of course i gave my blanket to lizzie, then popped into j's room (that he's not sleeping in) to grab his sleeping bag - it was 3AM IN THE MORNING - i did not want to disturb them by waking them up just to ask if i could borrow his sleeping bag. i saw a tubular sack that looked like it could have a sleeping bag in it, and yes, it did. then lizzie and i went to sleep.

this morning lizzie gets up to leave, and j's in the kitchen making breakfast. she heads out and i proceed to go to the bathroom, making small talk along the way by asking how he's feeling (he's had the flu all week), and to THANK HIM for taking out the mattress and sheets last night. what the fuck does he do? he bitches me out. he says "can you PLEASE not talk to me right now? i'm very angry that you took my sleeping bag." i'm sorry you high maintenance little bitch, but WHAT THE FUCK??? so i look at him like he's absolutely crazy (which he is) and go into the bathroom to have my shower.

honestly, i've never met a person as moody, bitchy, anal-retentive, more-neuroses-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at than j. i mean, i can understand that some people have issues with their room and their privacy, but did he really have to react the way that he did? NO! all he needed to say was something like "i don't mind if you took my sleeping bag, but next time, just ask me first, even if it's 3AM IN THE MORNING." flatmate s i don't really have a problem with; it's been j and his high-maintenance ways that have caused nothing but tension ever since we all moved in.

he expects me to accommodate his various "quirks", but does nothing to make me feel welcome in my own flat. i don't want to feel like i have to walk on eggshells every time i'm at home, and yet that's been the case all this time. well no more. he can kiss my ass for all i care now. in fact, he should be so happy to have a flatmate who has been as accommodating as i am. other less patient/tolerant people would have told him to fuck off by now. he expects me to compromise and yet he has not reciprocated in the least.

and now i know that if i was in the flat, dying of hypothermia because i didn't have a blanket, he would be the LAST person i would turn to. no wait, i wouldn't turn to him at all because he's more concerned with his possessions and his precious privacy than to offer a blanket to me.

when he's "ready to talk" about it, he had better be ready for some words.

and yes, i do swear a lot when i'm angry, if you haven't noticed.

i cannot deal with such melodramatic people!



Anonymous said...

Crazy. Maybe he stashes his dope in various hiding places in his room (perhaps including said sleeping bag) and doesn't want anyone running across it. I suggest you wait until he and s leave, then ransack both their rooms looking for the evidence. Even if you don't find any suspicious substances, at least the sight of their possessions strewn about will convince them you are not to be fucked with. I've found this to be the most effective way of building a trusting relationship, be it with flatmates, lovers or dogs.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

oh sillyhead, if only ransacking their rooms was the answer...j's too damn straight-edged to ever try something as "sinful" as pot...

i just had my "talk" with him, it was interesting to say the least...i will blog more on it later, have a lab to write!