Tuesday, January 29, 2008

just a quick note...

it's the day before "Exam D-Day #1" so i'll have to keep this short (something about having to revise); just wanted to point out to you all a new link under "Blogs I Like" - a hearty welcome to Random Pinkness! she's a student in aberdeen, scotland and i think it's fair to say we've become mutual fans of each other's blogs. in the grand scheme of the blogsphere my blog isn't either well-read or well-known but that's besides the point; i know there's a blogger community out there that i have yet to really explore and with ms. pinkness i think i'm starting to. so welcome RP and to my readers out there, check her out!

CET :o)

1 comment:

RandomPinkness said...

Yes, her blog is amazing, says totally-unrelated-most-certainly
-not-the-author-of-said-blog-person. ;)

Well, mine isn't widely read either, but I certainly do link to ones that are :D