Sunday, January 20, 2008

a desk instead of a ball

exam time is here and CET is deep in revision, that is when she's not checking e-mails every two seconds, checking facebook every two seconds, browsing her itunes every two seconds, going to the kitchen for a snack every two seconds, and generally procrastinating every two seconds, she is getting her work done. :o)

still actually quite bummed out about youngin'...the same questions that will never be answered keep swimming in my head; i think about what he's up to, whether he thinks about me and if so what he thinks...i want him to think about me and regret not taking a chance with me. i want him to miss me. and i wonder what's worse - not seeing him these next couple of weeks but thinking about him, or seeing him everyday at school and thinking about him - i just want him out of my head already. if i could just remove that part of my hypothalamus in charge of emotions from my brain, place it in a box on my desk, keep it there for the duration of exams and then place it back into my brain afterwards, i'd be fine. that's what i need, a hypothalamic lobotamy.

i left the flat for a walk yesterday afternoon, after not leaving for three days in a row (yes people, i am literally chained to my desk); i had to get out to remind myself what fresh air smelled like (in london it smells pretty much like pollution) and to stretch my muscles before they atrophied. i walked to the nearby village and came across a pile of tulips on sale...i ended up buying tulips in the same colours as the ones i bought last year, when living in whitechapel with vij. deep purple, bright fuschia and pale pink.

oh, and i popped by the coffee shop on wednesday and chatted briefly with coffee shop hottie; still as cute as ever and still with the same brown eyes that i could happily swim in. i daydreamed today that he came into the bar where i work and promptly chatted me up!

i miss vij. i miss my american classmate too (she's finishing her degree in the states). i miss having another fun, brilliant, slightly crazy single girl to hash the gossip with, to hit the town with and paint it red. anyone know where i can meet one?

right, back to studying.



RandomPinkness said...

Ach if I lived in London I'd happily go trawling for sexy men and having fun ;) there must be others out there, I know you need a token gay friend, that's who I do all the girly stuff with lol

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

well if you're ever in londontown, look me up! as for a token gay friend i do have one but i'm currently in revision hell and he just went to paris to visit his luv-ah...we are definitely going to hit the town though as soon as exams are over, oh don't you worry! CET needs a mash-up desparately...

RandomPinkness said...

Hehe, I know mines always off visiting his fancy-man now, well have a good time when the exams are over, I hope to read all about it ;)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

thanks RP, and a question for you: what are the men like in your neck of the woods? any lookers? people with potential? in addition to my absolute LOVE for scotland, i'm wondering if a trip up north and a wade in the scottish man pool is what i need... :o)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

surely they can't ALL be as horrible kissing as "scottish guy" was (click on the label on the right to find out)! :o)

RandomPinkness said...

Hehe, well I'm afraid Aberdeen not so good, every time I got to any other city I am wowed by the plethora of hotness that greets my eyes, the best place is the Western Isles, they have the most gorgeous accent over there, absolutely to die for. My Gaelic teacher once told us all to go out find a Gaelic husband and repopulate some of the deserted islands with babies... I'm seriously considering it. ;)

Also I believe they did film some of the corridor scenes for Harry Potter at Glasgow uni, well that's what Bestfriend who's studying there told me anyways.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

hmmm, do those deserted islands need a pharmacist? :o)