Tuesday, October 31, 2006

i've found a new place...

...in london that i love. spice of life pub in soho is wonderful - it was where the the sunday jazz session was held. the venue was intimate, the musicians heart-achingly good...it was mostly improv jazz where if you wanted to play you'd sign up beforehand and then bring your instrument, an "open mic night" if you will. let me just say though, these "amateurs" had SKILL man, buckets of it.

i can't adequately describe how good the musicians were - i wish you all in canada/usa could fly over here and listen for yourself! - everyone who performed just picked up their instrument and the vibes just flowed; it was like listening and watching a river of sweet-ass music being created. VERY zen and VERY cool.

there was also one particular drummer that made my heart skip a little - a tall guy of mixed ethnic origin (asian and something else, mmm mmm good) - who was so good-looking and so talented (this is why musicians get so much play, on the stage and off!). alas, there was an equally tall, equally good-looking girl that he hung out with between sessions that looked as if she was his girlfriend.

the kindly old man was there albeit a bit late (we were about to leave when he showed up); we had a really good chat and he said to come again next sunday, which i will gladly do! apparently this sunday afternoon jazz event only occurs on the first and last sunday of every month, though the pub itself has jazz and other music performances throughout the week.

sillyhead, you would LOVE it! you and sweetiehead should get your butts over here soon.

halloween party: on saturday night vij, gabby, business woman and i got dressed up for gabby's co-worker's halloween house party. i wore a sweet, 60's vintage dress i found for only £7! gabby wore her flamenco dress while vij dressed up as a teacher.

the party was great - you paid a small fee but it was unlimited food and booze, shishas/hookahs too! - you can be sure i took FULL advantage of it! the house and backyard were beautiful and everyone was dressed up to the nines.

slight downer: i was chatting to this guy dressed up as a bloody butcher with a hockey/jason mask on; he mentioned he has a girlfriend (she was standing across the garden from us). i was pretty drunk by this point but still managed to notice that his hand was on my leg the entire time we were talking, though i was too drunk to do anything about it...then when i got up to join vij, he groped my ass! what a sleaze!

slight accident: i was well-boozed by the time the gaggle of us girls took the bus home. i wasn't stumbling around like a fool or anything, as i was really concentrating on stopping the world from spinning, but suddenly my ankle gave out and i hit the ground hard. scraped my knee good - i haven't had a scrape like that on my knee since i was little! - and ruined my sexy, white, thigh-high stockings with lace trim. argh! my right ankle smarted pretty badly too.

all in all a pretty damn good weekend.


CET :o)


J.L said...

mmm lace topped stockings...

Anonymous said...

Do you have pictures of your costumes?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

jason: ???

styx: i do have pics, i will send them when i can!

CET :o)

Anonymous said...

Damn straight I should get over there. I have yet to find jazz in the city. Luckily in town there is some freakin' amazin' amateur stuff, we might actually catch an official gig this Saturday. In the meantime, I will stick to my passion: COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC---YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!!!!!!!