Tuesday, October 17, 2006

one lap, two lap...

marvin the martian bailed on running last night and kiwigirl wanted to run later than usual, so i ended up doing laps around the park in front of my school for about forty minutes last night! i must say i'm pretty proud of myself for having that much discipline :o). i alternated between running a few laps and walking a few laps - definitely more my pace and my style. and i didn't hurt so much today, yay!

okay, so i caved and e-mailed office boy again. he sent me an e-mail right before i left canada that kind of did my head in; i sent a reply and have not heard from him since. i e-mailed him yesterday just letting him know how i was and asking how he was doing, i mean, he did say he was looking forward to hearing about me and london, right? sigh. it's times like these that i wish i could bundle up all my emotions and throw them in the garbage can!

off for home as my landlord's coming by with my new curtains. no more changing in the living room!

CET :o)

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