Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the skies are gonna clear up...

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to job hunt i go...

in the computer lab at the moment...should be printing off my resume/CV but am blogging instead.

today i woke up and it felt like a good day; just feeling a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle the world. i hope this feeling lasts!

ran into my academic tutor today, prof b. still very good-looking, yet over-worked as usual. it's funny because everyone that knows about my crush doesn't think he's handsome at all...what does that say about my tastes??? oh well, we'll have to see what happens (if anything) this year! i think i'm destined to be only an admirer.

sue: ha ha ha, i'd like to know what kind of stripper names you'd come up with for me - what would be yours, hmmm???

jason: i'm not as good at capoeira as you are at your breakdancing, so i think our initial face-off you'd win hands down. give me time jason, give me time...

styxxx: capoeira (pronouced 'cap-oh-where-ah', sort of) is a form of brazilian dance/martial arts. it's kind of hard to explain, best to google it.

pretty busy the rest of the week - capoeira tonight, a party at vij's school thursday, e-mail's stopping over on her way to south africa on saturday, dinner on saturday night with kiwigirl and marvin the martian, then a flamenco party with gabby on sunday. where is there time to do homework?

CET :o)

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