Friday, January 26, 2007

shisha, smoke and snog

the date went VERY well! i had such a lovely time and i'm pretty sure scottish guy did too.

spent the day chillin' with vij as i knew no work was to be done...puttered about until half an hour before i was to leave the house and then all hell broke loose! a hectic, last-minute wardrobe change, a huge surge of nerves then a quick hug from vij and i was off, flying down the street to catch the bus.

we met up and he had had a stressful day; i think we were both in one of those crazy moods where everything makes you laugh and you feel slightly unhinged inside. i liked it because we were joking lots and quickly felt at ease with each other. the photographer's gallery was pretty small so we were done rather quickly; walked around and ended up having a drink at the spice of life pub (where the sunday jazz sessions take place). again as on the first date we did nothing but talk, talk, talk - i love it when each person has so much to say to the other and the conversation's not one-sided. i did tell him about my blog - i figured the sooner he knows about it the better - and the fact that i've written a bit about him. i'm sure his curiousity peaked when i said that but he was cool about it - he didn't press me for the web address and respected my privacy. i'm sure that won't stop him from at least doing a preliminary search for this blog, but i didn't tell him anything specific so i don't know how he would even manage to find it! here's hoping anyway...

afterwards we wandered around soho for quite a long while, trying to find a restaurant i had in mind. my sense of direction, while normally pretty good, is completely shot whenever i'm in soho and i have no idea why; we finally found the place only to discover a huge line-up outside. thwarted. ended up at a burger joint stuffing our faces with HUGE hamburgers and chocolate and strawberry milkshakes, mmm...

the night was still young but i didn't want to visit yet another bar after dinner; i suggested a hookah lounge on brick lane and it was a hit - we smoked hookah/shisha with peach-flavoured tobacco, sipped our sweet mint tea and completely relaxed. we both don't smoke so it was pretty funny having two non-smokers trying to smoke a huge shisha pipe.

seeing as how brick lane is in my hood and the fact that i can walk home from there, he walked me home afterwards. ooo, i forgot to tell you - we were holding hands all evening and there were lots of little touches here and there so i knew something was going to happen (!) - so i asked if he wanted to come up to my place for a bit.

OK, OK, OK, so in "date speak" i know this type of invite usually means some sort of action is going to take place. i really HATE it when the guy assumes it's going to be action of the heavy-duty kind, because sometimes a girl doesn't want that and just wants somewhere private (instead of outside the tube station in front of the drunks and weirdos) to first kiss a guy! THANK GOD scottish guy is such a gentleman and didn't maul me as soon as we entered my flat (though sometimes mauling suits me just fine!).

i showed him around, gave him a glass of water, and we sat down to watch some telly. i KNEW some snogging action was going to take place but how do you get to that point? we chatted for a bit and then he took my hand and held it for a while; i'm glad that when he decided to lean in for a kiss i decided to lean in for a kiss too - it was warm and sweet and we spent the next ten minutes making out. it was nearing midnight and he had to dash to catch the last tube home so it cut our snogging session short; i didn't mind though because i think it was the perfect end to a lovely evening.

snogging or no snogging, i had so much fun! dates like that leave you on a high - just the high i need to carry me through exams.

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

Damn girl, big up to my bravestar! We'll definitely talk tomorrow, can't wait.

Love Canuckian ;o)

Anonymous said...

This is what's great about smalltown North America. If you want to go anywhere, you gotta own a car.

If you own a car, you are master/mistress of your own destiny.

Want to stay out late and party? Car's waiting in the parking lot. Want to booze all night and still sleep in your own bed? Car's waiting for your drunk-ass to weave it home. Want to fall asleep in the arms of someone you think you might be in to? Car's parked out on the road waiting for your horny butt to pile in at 4am and drive home old-man-stylie; yawnin' and slouchin' behind the wheel. Car will even house an overnight bag full of toiletries and spare clothes if you REALLY think you're gonna hit it off.

Shit, you really don't even need an apartment of your own if you are close to establishing a solid relationship with just need a spatious car for those nights when things don't go according to plan! I guess if a North American guy was really thinking ahead, he could keep a cool-lookin' engagement ring in his glovebox and be ready to move in after a successfuly night of proposin'!


...maybe I've said too much.

Anonymous said...

I am mucho jealous that I have been missing out on such good dirt!! I miss first kisses and 12 hour long makout sessions...ummm...

Good for you! I hope you found a good guy nad have more wonderful firsts to come!