Monday, March 06, 2006

explanation (yet again)

so it looks like i have to explain myself, after reading some of the comments received today. i will do them in point form as i'm in the library and we're not suppose to be using the computers for anything other than "study" purposes (yeah, whatever!):

- i was NOT offended! i found it amusing more than anything. i mean, let's face it - everyone's got favourite blogs they read, and each person's fav blog list is different from another's - that's the WHOLE point, all blogs are not going to appeal to all people, and i totally understand and respect that. so pt, no worries man, no need to apologise at all!

- why i think people read blogs: in terms of family and friends, obviously they read it to keep in touch with you (i think we can all agree with that), but for complete strangers that read someone's blog (mine, for example), it must be something interesting or compelling that makes them stay on my page to read what i write. these compelling reasons can be anything, for example, sex. i read grace chen's blog ( because she's really blunt and cut-throat and has a lot of witty and dry quips about life; i read karen cheng's blog ( because she has funny and sweet stories about raising her two sons. i'm sure people (like my ex-bf, md) read kiwigirl's blog because he likes what she writes about and it grabs him, makes him want to stay (and keep coming back to) her page. so while sex is not the only reason, it is one of MANY reasons...

- i do not insinuate anything on my blog. what you read is what you get, just like if you ever met me, what you see is what you get. enough said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there anything I can do to stoke the fire in this blog-drama? Perhaps I shall start my own blog and incite all-out bloggocide on all other bloggers. Flog you and blog you all until your fingers are numb from blog-retaliation. Retire you all to a quiet blogitarium where you can ponder the blogs of life and eventually blog your maker beyond the Bloggy Gates.

Hmmm...I'm bloggy. What shall I blog for blog? Perhaps a blog on blog sandwich with a blog of blog. Blog it all down with a blog of blog then go blog on the bloggy blog. Ah, the blog of it all. You just can't blog a blog like you bloggedy blog blog.