Friday, March 03, 2006

lotions and potions

i had a really fun lab this afternoon, where we made three different ointments/emulsions/lotion; emulsifying ointment for dry skin, liquid paraffin oral emulsion to soften stool (i think), and calamine lotion. it was very enjoyable, like an afternoon cooking class only with chemicals and not food. i tried the ointment on my hands after i made it and it worked really well!

i was done in two and a half hours (the lab was four hours long); i must admit my time working at the pharmacy back home really helped, not to mention my chemistry degree - i've clocked enough hours working in a lab to be able to do things quickly, accurately and efficiently. i kind of wish pharmacists still made a lot of the medications today, as opposed to having everything pre-packaged. well, we still have to mix certain ointments, creams and suspensions, but it would be really fun if making medicines was my full-time job, not just dealing them.

today was the last day at work for my friend who works in the registry; she's travelling around europe for a month before heading back to virginia. we had wine and snacks and it was nice just hanging out with the registry crew again. adults, REAL adults - not a person under 20 in sight! ahhh...

am meeting kiwigirl and luce for dinner tonight. don't quite know what to do with myself this weekend - catch up on some homework perhaps? hehehe - but it will start with a long and deep sleep.

have a good one!


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