Sunday, March 05, 2006

lazy day and a diss (sort of)...

saturday was a chill out day...bought groceries, fiddled about in my room, just "chillaxed" as the brown goddess would say...

today i had my first math tutoring session with my new tutee; ex T recommended me to her family. more money earned so that's good, plus i get to help a young person out! she is very sweet and just needs a bit of a confidence boost in her own abilities.

so, the 'diss': i met up with kiwigirl and her friends (some of which read my blog!). the subject of blogs came up and it was discovered that i am canuckian's evil twin (they didn't know that, even though they read it). one of them (i won't name any names) said how that while he reads kiwigirl's everyday, he only checked out my blog once or twice but doesn't read it because it's not as funny or interesting as kiwigirl's. ooo, diss! and this was the first time i met this person!

no offence to kiwigirl - i quite like her blog - but it's very sex/i-want-to-have-sex oriented. my blog is not. that's kiwigirl, and this is me. i know my blog is not everyone's cup of tea, but then again this blog isn't for everyone (which is funny given it's on the world wide web). it's for my family and friends to keep in the loop on the comings, goings, and general observations of CET. anyhoo, i thought that was slightly amusing so i thought i'd share.

moral of the story? sex sells.

i'm sat in front of the tv at the moment, watching the oscars pre-awards show. will i stay up late to watch the awards? wake up tired for my nine o'clock stats tutorial? exciting stuff, stay tuned...

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

How rude, they just met you! And hello, how can they not know that you are CET?! It's the title of your blog AND you sign off CET. Duh ;o)

Anonymous said...

Don't even think about compromising your blog for the sake of attention. Damn straight sex sells, but you can't have sex all the time. Well, that might be my age showing, or the age of my relationship; but getting an honest glimpse of a person's thought patterns really is a refreshing thing. I do recall being quite entertained by the two-dimensional human caricatures that television rolls through the ringers, but after a few years without cable one is reminded that people are quirky, unpredictable, yet often do not lead dramatic lives. Reality lies in their responses to day-to-day trivialities. Documenting such behavior provides true entertainment, because our imaginations are often to wild to create such subtlety.

For instance: I woke up this morning and hatched a plan to sabotage the Oscars. I kissed my good lady farewell and boarded my flame-detailed private jet for Los Angeles. Knowing that celebrities still live in deadly fear of anthrax, I packed two 20 kg cartons of talcum powder on board and instructed Tone Loc (my pilot) to perform a low fly-by just above the awards venue. Jettisoning the cartons at just the right moment dusted the entire audience with the suspicious foreign substance. At the same time, I dialed up the head stagehand on my mobile and announced, "YOU AND YOUR WHOLE HOARD OF HEATHENS ARE BATHED IN ANTHRAX, THE MICROSCOPIC SCOURGE THAT HAS TOPPLED A THOUSAND SHEPHARDING VILLAGES SINCE MAN FIRST LAY WITH THE LAMBS...PREPARE TO DIE A MOST WRETCHED, URETHRA-SCALDING DEATH." I repeated the ominous message over and over again with increasing volume until he stumbled near the master PA feed. My message of terror reverberated through the entire arena, penetrating the very souls of the vapid plastikmen and silicgals. My catastrophic drama beamed into tens of millions of homes as the crowd tore its skin off in hysterical horror. I tell you this for one remind you to SET YOUR VCRs!!!

kiwigirl said...

I think you took Paul's comment completely wrong. I don't think it was a 'diss' - he just knows me and doesn't know you. I'm not even sure if thats exactly what he said. Anyway.

Sex sells huh? Thanks my dear - always appreciate your thoughtful comments on my blog.

I also 'quite like' your blog.


Anonymous said...

oh dear
apologies CET, did not mean to cause offence
KL is right, i may have made the throwaway comment cos i know KL and was the first time meeting you.
a blog is easier to read methinks when you have met the person
so please accept my groveeling apology.
Always good to meet canadians - you're all very similar to us kiwi's
i will now go and rest my sore head

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via kiwigirls - have to say that your is far more interesting - you can blog about more than 1 topic. Don't change!!

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

thanks for your comment anonymous, but don't turn this into a "battle of the blogs" - that's the last thing i want!

to each his own.