Thursday, June 08, 2006

champagne and seaweed

holy crap.

i am so hungover.

being. sicky. tastes. so. nasty.

so, i've been drunk many a time but have NEVER puked - until last night. after my last exam (WOOHOO!!! YEAH!!!) i went to work at the pharmacy for a few hours, then headed to my aunt's house for dinner.

my aunt is a FABULOUS cook. wow. what a spread. we had a chinese mushroom and seaweed dish, a chicken dish, steamed fish and a plate of choy (side note: they call this particular choy 'morning glory' but i've never heard it called that before - is it a british term?), with lots of fresh fruits for dessert. being the food beast that i am, i ate and ate and ate until my belly was full. good times.

i met up with some classmates after leaving my aunt's house - we were to go clubbing to celebrate the end of the school year. they were well into the red wine by the time i got there. we busted out some champagne for a celebratory toast as well.

two glasses of champagne later, i was fine - i'm not a lightweight! - but then three/four (?) brimmingly full glasses of red wine followed (damn model boy for topping up my glass all the time!) and i was toast. sloshed. drunk off my ass. at one point i was half-sitting, half-lying down on the sofa, with my head behind model boy's butt. don't ask.

next thing i remember i was being dragged to the toilet - it wasn't like i didn't want to go to the toilet, it was the force of gravity holding me back (right...). then the nasty part: i revisited the chinese mushroom and seaweed dish. yum.

i'm astounded at how much your stomach can hold because believe me, ALL of it came out. all of it. lots. and lots. it was so gross.

i ended up on the bed puking into a bucket. more and more. it seemed endless. then i promptly passed out. woke up this morning with the pillow over my head (apparently i don't need one when i go to sleep) and feeling like the biggest pile of poo this world has ever seen. i barely managed to take the train home and passed out for a couple more hours, and now here i am blogging.

red wine is evil.



J.L said...

Red wine is the bestest when you have it WITH your meal. That's the best buzz..

Sounds like the champaigne and wine didn't mix.

I like how you used the word "revisited" like it was some math conotation, except you were talking about mushrooms and choy.

AH HA! :) hope you feel better. Drink water till you puke again.

J.L said...

Red wine is the bestest when you have it WITH your meal. That's the best buzz..

Sounds like the champaigne and wine didn't mix.

I like how you used the word "revisited" like it was some math conotation, except you were talking about mushrooms and choy.

AH HA! :) hope you feel better. Drink water till you puke again.

Anonymous said...

YEAH, YOU'VE PUKED!!! God, that took you long enough. I'm so proud ;o) But what a waste of good food, hehehe...

kiwigirl said...

I cannot believe that that is the first time you have thrown up from drinking!

I think I was like 15 and stupid for my first time! ha ha.

That does not portray me in my best light! LOL

Was great seeing you last night. Happy travels back to Canuckian town :)

xx K

Anonymous said...

Hey, could you change my link to Thanks! And yes red wine is evil.

Anonymous said...

That's some funny sh** CET. First time pukin'? Hmmmm...I'd have to go with Kiwigirl and recall a particularly nasty party at my buddy's house out in the country; a bunch of us crazy kids decided to test our limits and finally experiment with the taboo beverahge. I think we mixed vodka with everything his parents had in the fridge: orange juice, tomato juice, lemonade, half-and-half, raw eggs...who knows what the final composition of my innards was after that debacle--

oh wait--I know! It was ACID. Pure churning gastric juices after yacking that vile concoction all over his downstairs 1/2 bath. I think the paint peeled off the walls and they had to refinish the sink.The only thing I learned after that experience was to avoid vodka that comes in a plastic bottle.

Yes, late-night-red-wine-whirlwind-chuck-o-ramas are the worst, though sangria on an empty stomach will give you brutally better head trauma. The mind-f**k is that in your drunken stupor you become convinced that your oral excretions are due to internally hemorrhaging, knowing that you will just pass out on the bathroom floor and be identified the next week by a rookie cop responding to your neighbour's complaints of a miasma emanating from your apartment. The sad part is they can't even identify you by your dental records because all of your choppers have dissolved. Sad sad sad...