Monday, June 05, 2006

one down, one to go

so today's exam didn't go so well.

i passed, sure, but it was difficult. my brain did that thing where as hard as you try, you can't seem to dig up that one fact you need to write down from the recesses of your memory, plus i got a few concepts jumbled up, and/or didn't sort them out in my head (and hence on paper) until five minutes before time was up. oy vey.

i honestly don't think the human brain (or at least my brain) can remember 10,000 facts without a few of them getting lost or falling out of my head. it's impossible! and it just figures that the facts that fell out were the ones i needed to remember for the exam. whateva...

OH WELL, at least it's over and done with! of the two exams i have to write this was by far the more difficult one; the one on wednesday will be easy-peasy compared to this one because it's on a subject near and dear to my heart - chemistry! ah chemistry - it's like a familiar friend...

my brain was fried after writing that piece of poo; had lunch with some classmates and then headed down to covent garden for a few hours of meandering. spent some time at ray's jazz cafe upstairs from foyles bookstore - it's another one of my favourite cafes in london - nursed a cappuccino and just people watched from a window for a while.

i discovered a new saying today: "save your drama for yo' mama" - love it.

neuron salvaging and re-utilisation about to commence...

CET :o)

1 comment:

J.L said...

Exams suck. It's always like that, you screw everything up and then at the end you remember it all and only have 3 minutes to change what you can.