Sunday, June 11, 2006


i'm home!!!

arrived at midnight last night at pearson international. all this for mr. bing's bridal shower (yeah it was all for you baby!); i told her i was coming home on the 19th (the original date of my ticket) but instead switched it so i could surprise her today. it was GOOD. i'm glad she was shocked.

the bridal shower wasn't too bad - the best part was after most of the girls had left - we were in the backyard and mr. bing pulled all the different lingerie outfits over her head and danced around doing poses. i put some on too. stupid/silly fun is the best fun.

i've been to three bridal showers in my lifetime so far, and i always feel so 'un-lady like'. i speak my mind, swear (a little) and eat (a lot); i always seem to feel like everyone's judging me because i'm not demure and well-mannered. for instance, we had to go around the circle and each person had to introduce themselves and talk about the first time they met the bride, as well as their fondest memories of her. i've known this girl since grade 5 and from the get-go our friendship has been three things: racial, ghetto and food. there's nothing lady-like or demure about any of those things. WHATEVA! oh well, mr. bing understands me.

holy cow, when i came home last night chili went berserk! he's so big now and is really good at standing on his hind legs, jumping up and down to try to kiss your face. if you're not careful he'll jump up as you're leaning down and BAM, you get smacked in the face by his open jaw. nice. i took him for a walk today; he's the happiest, most excited puppy i know.

i am well tired now - drunk on wednesday, hungover on thursday, flying on friday, up early on saturday. will rest a little before making plans to see everyone!

i am happy to be home.

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're back on the North American continent! I'm happy you are home too! Makes me want to go home now!

kiwigirl said...

Hey honey

Is a bridal shower the same as a hens night?

Do you drink and do stupid things?

xx K

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

no, a bridal shower is where you play games and give gifts like lingerie and sex toys; the hen night/stagette is where you drink lots and do stupid things. that's in july.


Anonymous said...

How long are you home? What is da plan?


Loop? What loop?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

i'm home until the end of september (or thereabouts) - when will you be in canada???

there's the loop!


kiwigirl said...

I don't think we do bridal showers back home (well not that I know of anyway). I am quite wedding ignorant though!

So - are you supposed to buy a present for the bridal shower and the actual wedding?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

yes and no - i think the bridal shower gift should be something fun and sexy for the bride, while the wedding present should be something off the wedding registry for the happy couple. i think some people give the wedding present at the bridal shower (i.e. mr. bing got corningware in addition to her lacy underthings), which i suppose is fine as well. honestly it depends on who's getting married - sounds harsh i know - whether you want to splash out on lots of gifts or just one really, really good one. i mean what can i say - weddings are expensive, not just for the bride!