Thursday, November 03, 2005


had a class today where we met a patient; she told us about her medical history and we asked her questions. the prof in charge was a lady from the states; she had a thick, southern accent and (this will sound weird) it was a refreshing change from all the british accents! it's funny how i'm so used to british accents that anything different perks my ears, even the nasal drawl of a southern accent.

i asked alot of questions as the rest of the class sat there quiet - i just don't understand how people here are so reserved and not willing to speak up! even in my academic tutor meetings i'm always the one to talk, no one will pipe up with anything except me. what is up with that? i don't want to dominate the conversation, but it's hard not to when no one will say anything except you. this may make me look like a keener in class, but i don't care.

i'm having dinner with kiwigirl and g tonight, can't wait for that. another intensive girl chat session, unless kiwigirl's boy flatmate and his boyfriend are thrown into the mix. but then you get the male perspective, and whether it's a gay or straight perspective it's always interesting to hear the male's take on things.

oh, and even though i'm not the one flying to DC on saturday, i am SOOO excited for kiwigirl and everyone (including canuckian) in DC! i think the excitement's infectious.



Anonymous said...

I'm so excited too! It's almost like I'm kinda seeing you too when KL visits. Have fun with the girls (and boys)!

Anonymous said...

Keener! Nice Canadiana.