Monday, November 07, 2005


i know you're all dying to know what my plan was regarding t, right? well, at least mr. bing was dying to know. this is for you mr. napoleon bing!

i met up with t for a coffee on sunday afternoon...i don't want to go into too much detail, as posts regarding romance end up becoming epic novels, but suffice it to say that we had much to talk about and came to many realizations about our relationship in the past, and where we're headed in the future - not as a couple, but as individual people. so no, we're not back together, but we're each in a much happier place emotionally than we were these past few weeks, ever since the "king's cross incident". that's not to say it might not happen for us in the future, but we realize that this time apart is and will be beneficial to us both. and it's not like we're expecting or hoping it will happen in the future, as that would put too much pressure on the both of us; we're just taking it one day at a time. like my mom says, you don't know what your future will be like until it happens, so you'll just have to wait and see what comes naturally.

yes i know this post sounds pretty cryptic, but i'm sure i'll fill you in on all the details when i see you all (hopefully) this christmas!



Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you. Everything worked out for both of you, and nobody feels sad.....YAY!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, i will assess and compile notes for a pow-wow in december!!

Anonymous said...

When ARE you coming home for Christmas? Be sure to give us fair warning...others of us abroad may be in town around that time as well.