Wednesday, December 07, 2005

brick lane and tapas

model update: chatted with model boy yesterday in the computer room, turns out he's been modelling for eight years now, and was "discovered" by a modelling agency. he also lives a couple of tube stops down from me, so we're practically neighbours!

went to brick lane to do some xmas shopping yesterday. brick lane is known for its curry houses, but past the curry houses, further down the street, you'll find some really great clothes shopping! there's a store called laden showrooms that has all the clothes you'd normally find at the markets, all in one place - no need to fight the scores of people normally crammed into the market on a sunday afternoon! there's also some pretty cool vintage clothes shops, and a little alleyway called the "sunday (up) market" with some clothes stores as well. i think my canuckian will be VERY happy!

yesterday's "flatmate dinner" went surprisingly well. we went to the tapas bar around the corner and it was really good; the waitress served us an apple liqueur and a hazelnut one after dinner and dessert, complimentary (did i spell that right?) of the restaurant - i think it's because they know we're their neighbours! the conversation flowed well and it was a nice evening. when we got home i sat them down and gave them their xmas presents (see, i am SO nice) - "angels and demons" by dan brown for flatmate s, and a whole bunch of organic chocolate for flatmate j.

it's weird because now i feel a bit bad for slagging them on my blog (well, just a little), but it's just that their personalities are so inconsistent, i never know where i stand with them at any given moment!



Anonymous said...

Ooo, you should totally become friends with model boy because I'm sure he has hot friends. Go over and ask for a cup of sugar, suga ;o)

That's so cool that you've discovered a little part of London! I love how that city continues to surprise you. And yeah, I'm getting a pressie, woohoo!

Only a few more days, can't wait to see you! Mwah ;o)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh.....chocolate....mmmm...and organic chocolate...that must be so healthy for you....