Tuesday, December 06, 2005

supermodel in our midst

so quite by chance today i found out one of the male students in my class is a MODEL!!!

one of the girls bought this month's glamour magazine and in it is a ten page spread of "model boy!" i had just come out of the bathroom and the girl thrusts the magazine in my face. i look at the picture thinking "so what?" when the realization of what i'm looking at dawns on me. so of course i scream and grab the magazine from her, flipping through the pages.

it's so strange to see someone in a completely different light. he is cute in person though a little rough around the edges; on a whole he just looks so NORMAL. he's really tall and lanky and has shaggy, droopy brown hair (it's a little long). he comes into the common room and by this time the magazine has made its way around to every first year student in the room. i think he seemed a little embarrassed by our reaction but hey, that's what you get when you don't tell anyone you're a MODEL! he told me he did the shoot earlier this year and that he's been modelling for a while. i think it's great, as i'm sure it must help with the bills.

my flatmates and i are having a little christmas dinner together tonight, just the three of us. flatmate s suggested it. i must admit i was a little shocked and thoroughly confused when i received her text message; most of the time they are so aloof and antisocial with me, not to mention flatmate j's various neuroses, and now we're suppose to eat together like a happy flatmate family? i just don't understand it. never in my life have two people been more confusing or as hard to figure out.

i'm off to do a little more xmas shopping today, just a few more items to buy. save for a couple of morning classes each day, i'm pretty much free until my full day on friday. ahhh, the life of a student; it's great except for the dirt poor part.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo, sound off the hunk alarm, I think we've found ourselves a model!!! Hahaha ;o)

Ooo, pressies!!! Can't wait ;o) I'm doing all my shopping at home.

Maybe flatmate j will "prepare" himself for this upcoming theatre production known as Christmas dinner. Weirdos.