Friday, May 12, 2006

cellarscape - copilot

cellarscape is the name of the band i went to see tonight - well, the band consisted of one person, paul terry (check it out! sky baby records), a friend of my lovely evil hypnotist. EH and i had a cuppa coffee before heading to dinner and then the gig; it was great having a much-needed chat with him about everything...he listens to me, never judges, makes me laugh, is slightly witty, very nerdy and i love him for it! sounds like my type of boyfriend but alas he is not! ah well...

paul terry's set was great but the acts that followed made me want to run out of the club screaming, ugh...tonight was his CD release party, it's called 'copilot'.

another plug: check out threadless t-shirts, they are the best t-shirt site i've found so far - you can submit your own t-shirt designs and if enough people vote for your design they print it and you can order it! i've already gotten three t-shirts so far, and if you check out the site and order a T, refer me so i can get points towards a free T! please please, pretty please, with a cherry on top??? the submissions are great, the humour subversive...LOVE IT!



Anonymous said...

3 t-shirt??? Where'd the third one come from, eh???

Anonymous said...

I mean t-shirts with an "s". But the question still remains...what's the third one? The nerds as transformers?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

no, i bought the one of darth vader pruning a topiary in the shape of the death star, it's called "dark side of the garden" - classic!