Tuesday, May 16, 2006

golden age

put your hands on the wheel
let the golden age begin
let the window down
feel the moonlight on your skin
let the desert wind
cool your aching head
let the weight of the world
drift away instead

listening to kt tunstall's cover of beck's 'golden age', off her new album, 'acoustic extravaganza'...the whole album's brilliant, but this is my favourite song at the moment.

i was a good girl today and went to the library to study for a few hours, BEFORE heading to the coffee shop to see if hottie was there. alas he was not, but there were two other cute guys minding the shop. hiring good-looking men to work must be the owner's tactic for luring customers in...

i had my lovely cream tea (scones, CLOTTED CREAM (= heaven), strawberry jam, washed down with a steaming pot of earl grey tea, mmm), read a magazine, did some sudoku, and just watched the world go by outside. the rain, my thoughts, and the hum of the city...i love days like these.

okay! back to studying...



Anonymous said...

man, your lazy days sound so exotic...totally different from T.O.

J.L said...

What's up with the British and the bloody word brilliant?! I think it's way over used.

Styxx. If you want exotic... you could always date a quirky Asian guy.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

'brilliant' is a jolly good word, though i don't use it too often...'bloody' is an over-used british word too (and i use that A LOT, mostly when i'm mad)...

jason l, quit trying to pick up on my blog! no one's picking up on my blog except me, you hear? :op

styxxx: a rainy, lazy day in your favourite coffee shop is no different whether it be in london or t.o. :o)