Thursday, May 11, 2006

uni talk

okay people, let's move away from my love/lust/whatever life at the moment and focus on another topic...

this week has been crazy/hectic; my family friend's daughter, moe, is over here at the moment with her friend chewy - they have been staying at my place this week before embarking on their contiki tour of continental europe. so it's been early mornings and late, late nights for me all this week.

tonight we met up with moe and chewy's friends from their uni in canada, who are studying here in london. i don't know if i've mentioned this in my blog before, but i went to UW while they went to UWO. our two universities are like night and day, SERIOUSLY. people who know these universities KNOW what i'm talking about. right now you're reading this and you're feelin' me, right?

UWO sounds like those super-crazy party schools in the USA. i was regaled with uni stories all night long; i didn't mind as they were quite outrageous and funny but man, it was like a show reel straight out of 'animal house' or some movie like that. interestingly enough, my flatmate S went to UWO for her masters and she HATED it. she said it was VERY cliquey, and if you were 'in' you were 'in', but if you weren't you were COMPLETELY ostracized. well, i was definitely sitting with a bunch of people who were 'in'. miss ruckus, your thoughts?

anyhoo, am meeting the evil hypnotist tomorrow for a much-needed dinner and catch-up together, followed by watching his friend's gig at a pub somewhere. can't wait! as for frenchie, we're to meet on saturday...don't know what the plans are yet but you can bet it will be interesting...will i kiss and tell? you will have to wait and see...

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

hated western from day 1. not my thing at all.. but i met some cool people (mostly not through school) and that was it. once you find your 'niche', you can avoid the whole 'western thing' but it's still not the greatest place to be for 4 years. it was also a very conservative school.

Anonymous said...

also, i don't think it was even about being 'in' or not (aside from maybe in residence.. but even then..) but more of whether you liked the whole western thing or not. the thing for me was that in first year living in residence, everyone was going crazy drinking and partying but i was really cynical and jaded (think: darlene from roseanne) and i had already done all that in high school.. so i wasn't all exctied about partying and drinking. i also remember i found most of the people around me very annoying, 'nerdy' and mainstream (i was a cynical snob in my own way back then, as you can see :)). i was all into being subcultural back then so i didn't feel like i could relate to anyone. also, i hated frats and sororities and cheerleading and football. once you move out of res though, it's not as bad.

J.L said...

miss rukus sounds like my kind of girl

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

jason, are you trying to pick up on my blog???

CET :o)