Thursday, January 12, 2006

here we go...

okay, so i think i need to explain this "numbers game" a little more, at least in the context of how i played it with g.

g had higher numbers, but the quality wasn't that great; i had lower numbers, but compared to g the quality was pretty good. THAT IS NOT TO SAY that you can't have both quality and quantity at the same time - it just so happened that g had one while i had the other. i'm sure MANY people have both quality and quantity and i think that's great. more power to them!

and i want to emphasize that having quantity does NOT make someone a woman/male slut! if anyone knows me they know i don't give a shit about stuff like that - i don't judge, and i live by the words "to each his own." if anything, i wish my numbers were a bit higher!

on the flip side of that coin, someone who has very low/non-existent quality or quantity is NOT a prude - it's just the way life has happened for them. again i stress, to each his own.




kiwigirl said...

OK - fair comment. I'm grouchy and irritable and it shows. Not smoking SUCKS!

My point wasn't really directed at you though - more the people who responded - assuming that quality and quantity were two different things.

xx K

Anonymous said...

i think quantity can be quality too, but from experience, i do find that being with one person for awhile is better in that they learn what you like and get better at having sex with you. it's the sex with the regular partners that i've found tobe the best, rather than the one time things.

i might have fun experienced with one-night stands, but it's often not that mind-blowingly amazing compared to when it's with someone i've been with for awhile.. just cuz they don't know yet what i like, etc.

last night's casual sex romp was definitely fun and i enjoyed it, but i know he could benefit from some tutoring if we get it on again (which i hope we do!)