Monday, January 09, 2006

jetlag sucks the chunk monkey

holy crap, i think i'm delerious with lack of sleep. well, too much sleep followed by not enough. i think the 18 hours of sleep on friday was my downfall, as i got maybe three hours of sleep on saturday night, then three hours of sleep last night. went to bed at midnight last night and woke up at 3am, wide awake. went back to bed at 5am only to toss and turn until 7, when i got up to get ready for school. my head feels like a dense fog. let's see if i can post without making any mistakes!

about being on "the hunt": when i say my friends are on the hunt, i don't just mean "looking for mr. right/the father of my babies", i mean everything, from a quick shag/fuck buddy, to steady boyfriend/future husband.

spent saturday night catching up with g, as she arrived back in london from mexico that day. ate burnt pizza and talked and talked and talked until 3am - perhaps another reason for my jetlag. had quite an interesting discussion about our "numbers"; i made up categories, like number of guys you just kissed, number of guys you kissed and fooled around with (but not sex), and the number of guys you had sex with. let's just say one of us had "quality" while the other had "quantity!" why am i writing about this on my blog???

my passport expires in early february and i think i'm slightly screwed. you need a guarantor to sign your passport photo - someone in canada that i've known for two years - but hi, i'm in london. i'll probably end up sending my passport photos express post to someone in canada, and have them express post it back to me. such a hassle!

first day of school today and so far i've gotten nothing but positive comments about my haircut. good sign. the two lectures i had were a joke, especially the organic chem prof - bloody useless is all i can say. i almost wanted to grab the chalk out of his hand, tell him to sit down and shut up, and lecture the class myself!

the flatties get back today, should be interesting. flatmate s went ahead and got cable without consulting me - needless to say i sent an email telling her i wasn't going to pay for it - i mean how rude! she said she wanted cable so she could watch her "dr. who." WHATEVER!!!

time to buy groceries, go home and rest my foggy head.



kiwigirl said...

OK - well of your three 'categories' - the only one I could actually count is:

The number of guys I have had sex with.

Really - you know the number of guys that you have kissed?

Anonymous said...

ooh, this is fun...categories here we go:
Kissed: 9
Kissed & Fooled around, but not sex: 2 (that's it??)
Sex with: 3 (that's easy, all longterm boyfriends)

My numbers all together less than 15, I guess I do the quality thing too.

I think I need to have one of these talks with my girlfriends too...