Friday, January 27, 2006

an important piece of canada...

is now owned by an american :o(

the oldest of all canadian companies (founded in 1670 - we're talking fur trading with the natives back in the day), Hudson's Bay Company, is now in the hands of south carolina billionaire Jerry Zucker. you can read the rest of it here.

Hudson's Bay Company owned by an american, stephen harper is now prime minister, what's next? i'm afraid...

in other news, i stayed over at classmate T's flat last night. didn't get much studying done because our timetable for next term came out and we were pouring over the details. we walked to liverpool street to see where our exam building was; the highlight of my day was buying a bunch of soft, chewy cookies, inner food beast thanked me.

we were having a discussion last night based on this random thought from kiwigirl:

"In other random thoughts, its often funny when you consider how different people are or could be in 'real life' to what they are on their blogs."

she said her own blog is pretty much her personality, and i wonder if that's the case with mine. i think so, as my sister and most of my friends tell me i write like the way i talk, so when they read my blog it's like i'm actually speaking to them. so overall i think my blog reflects my personality too. but then i wonder what a stranger makes of me when they come across my blog...what do they perceive of me, based on the words that make up this blog? i wonder what adjectives they'd use to describe me...

off to school today to do some studying - yet another change of scene that i think will be helpful to my studies!

have a great day,

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