Tuesday, January 31, 2006

one down, three to go...

lots of thoughts floating around my head today...

1) the exam was fine, EXACTLY what i was expecting. i don't want to toot my own horn, but i think i kicked some butt, yeah! well, i looked up the answers in my notes afterwards (i hate doing that but it's hard to resist) and found i had made a few mistakes, but for the most part i did fine. i went to get some food with a few people from my class afterwards...it's funny how you can hang out with a bunch of people but hardly know them...the ones you do want to get to know are hard to reach, because they're surrounded by the ones you don't really care about, because they're all about themselves...

2) came home and my brain had completely shut down. spent the rest of the night watching tv. i have converted flatmate S to the ways of "america's next top model"...i think it'll be our "girls' night" tv viewing time from now on. bring on the cat fights, MEOW!

3) i know i've bitched about my flatties, but i think they are okay. they have done really nice things for me, the most recent being trekking back to the bakery in chinatown to buy me a sweet coconut bun for chinese new year. beforehand, flatmate J texted me to see what they could do to make new year's special for me, seeing as i am away from home. yes they do have weird neuroses and yes, they are a bit petty and anal at times, but i guess we are all hard to live with at some point or another. i will give them a chance.

4) i'm really sleepy but have been "blogsurfing" for the last little while. have read some pretty cool blogs. makes me wonder if my blog is any good (and no, i'm not fishing for compliments). does my blog offer any insight, or is it just a narcissistic public diary? is the point of the blog to offer insight? what if you really have nothing original to say? people like to think they're original but they're not. even that statement is unoriginal!

5) i think i am scared of love. i know i want it but when it smacks me in the face i run away. why is it so hard for me to face up to something so obvious? what is holding me back? half the time i think i know, the other half of the time i don't have a clue. there are so many paths i can take, but i think i know what's already at the end of each path and i'm not sure i like it or can handle it.

okay, enough cryptic writing, i think i need to let my brain sleep.

i wish the skull was still in the creek. its presence added to my day.

CET :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm totally about number 5! I don't even know why really. I think of Holly Cole's song "Onion Girl", which is a really cheesy metaphor for having many "layers" that hopefully someday, someone will be willing to cry for in order to peel them away.

And even though the skull was super creepy, it sounded cool ;o)