Tuesday, January 17, 2006

small victories

i slept the entire night last night without waking up once! it's the first time since i've been back in londontown.

still knackered though, so took a two-hour nap when i got home. as usual it was suppose to be a one-hour nap, but at least it wasn't the four hours like last time!

i have a practical theory test tomorrow in biochem, hmmm. of course it's important, but i am so calm about it it's ridiculous. i did my undergrad at UW (aka waterpoo) in canada, so i feel like if i can survive UW then i can survive anything!

my academic tutor ended up seeing me and my bad hair yesterday, but only for a brief moment. we ran into each other in the stairwell - him going up, me going down - and we just exchanged pleasantries before going our separate ways. nothing exciting at all. and business woman, we DEFINITELY have different tastes in men because i personally would not use the word "handsome" to describe your geriatric! :o)

i'll hold off on all this "jump him now!" business until after exams, when i can ponder my course of action at leisure...

more studying awaits me, WOOHOO!



Anonymous said...

hey. who's business woman? for a minute i thought you were talking about me. but then i realized there's another friend you have who's dated the older guy. man there's enough of us now to have a club.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

HA HA HA, you are SOOO funny...

i'm not in your club yet though, because i have yet to jump him...


Anonymous said...

WHAT are you waiting for? Let's start a club.

Anonymous said...

I'm in shock! You never saw geriatric in a suite, you can't comment.